AndersenNews October 2015

Dear All,

Supported by Danida's Business Delegation programme, we are inviting for participation in Food and Food Processing Technology Delegation to Myanmar 15-20 November, 2015. The objective is export of processing equipment and export and sourcing of food products as well as semi finished and raw materials. Food processing equipment covers the entire spand of direct equipment such as mixing equipment, fish filetting equipment, diary equipment, ovens, etc. And, all indirect equipment such as conveyors, freezers, pumps, environmental equipment etc. The rapidly growing food sector in Myanmar strongly needs modern and efficient technology to increase the level of locally produced food and to keep up with the rising demand for better and safer food products. Seafood is an immense ressource in Myanmar and has a central spot in these developments which involves both land and sea based products. With a population of approximately 56 million people and slow development of its food sectors for many years, the country is ready for Danish involvement.

Our programme is as follows:

Country and sector briefing by Ambassador Peter Lysholt Hansen. Venue: The Danish Embassy, Yangon.

Individual meeting programme consisting of 4-6 local companies. Venue: Hotel Shangri-La.

Individual meetings with companies of interest for your scope of business. Venue: At the premises of the local companies.

Identification of future business opportunities for your company in cooperation with Andersen Consult.

Read the full newsletter here.




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