Suppliers on

Showing 1-10 out of 60


Aktive Energi Anlæg A/S

AEA er din professionelle sparringspartner og projektleder indenfor bæredygtige og miljørigtige anlæg til din energiproduktion AEA er din totalentreprenør med speciale i projektering og etablering af unikke fjernvarme- og k...

Website: Industry: Renewable Energy / Green Technologies

Michael Norup

Sales & Marketing Manager - Aktive Energi Anlæg A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”


Guardian - Security & Risk Management ApS

Guardian-srm is a highly specialized security solutions provider. Based in Denmark since 2005 and working all over the world, we offer tailored security solutions and security risk management systems in support of international bu...

Website: Industry: Other / Advisory & Consulting

Emilie J. K. Toppenberg

CEO - Guardian - Security & Risk Management ApS

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new collaborating partner(s)”


Maskinfabrikken ESKO A/S

Maskinfabrikken Esko producerer kundespecifikke komponenter og maskindele samt udfører montage, reparationer og service på anlæg inden for en række brancher. Vi råder over en omfattende og moderne maskinpark, så vi kan ud...

Website: Industry: Manufacturing & Design / Tools & Machinery / Marine Industry

Elsebeth Stampe Damgaard

Sales Manager - Maskinfabrikken ESKO A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new suppliers, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”



Movimentum I/S består af to passionerede filmskabere, Gustav Idun Sloth og Markus Hasselgaard. Sammen har de lavet alt fra actionpræget reklame- og eventvideo til sagligt uddannelsesmateriale. Vores samarbejde startede i 20...

Website: Industry: Other / PR & Marketing / Design & Interior

Markus Hasselgaard

Ejer - Movimentum

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”


FH Scandinox A/S

FH SCANDINOX A/S er en produktions-, ingeniør- og handelsvirksomhed, der projekterer og leverer komplette procesanlæg og maskiner til følgende applikationer: Mejeri Iscreme Food Margarine Læskedrik Bryggeri Slagteri ...

Website: Industry: Food & Food Processing

Steffen Jakobsen

Project Manager - FH Scandinox A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new suppliers, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”


VN Steel ApS

Din samarbejdspartner indenfor Smede- og stålarbejde med speciale i produktion af stålkonstruktioner, trapper, altaner, bygningsstål og smedearbejde i øvrigt samt produktion af stålprodukter til vindmølleindustrien.

Website: Industry: Manufacturing & Design / Renewable Energy

Allan Trip Nielsen

CEO og ejer - VN Steel ApS

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”


Safe-Vent ApS

Safe-Vent is a total solution specialist in preventing and protecting against industrial fire hasards of all types. With years of experience Safe-Vent can accommodate all fire-related risks and deliver a full-package deal to secur...

Website: Industry: Advisory & Consulting / Ventilation & Cooling / Construction & Buildings / Aid & Disaster Relief / Export

René Hvidkjær

CEO - Safe-Vent ApS

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B



TG-CLEAN A/S er et danskejet firma med handel i Danmark, Grønland, Færøerne, Sverige og Island. Et utraditionelt handelskoncept har medført, at vi siden etableringen i februar 2001, er blevet flere virksomheder, og offentlige ...

Website: Industry: Manufacturing & Design / Other / Sanitation & Clean-Tech

Jan Lee Andersen

Salgschef - TG-CLEAN A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network”



En CNC- partner der tager (med)ansvar. Vi er aldrig i tvivl om, hvad vi er sat i verden for. Vores løsninger skal skabe konkret værdi på bundlinjen for de virksomheder, vi samarbejder med. I DKMI har vi et produktionsmiljø ...

Website: Industry: Manufacturing & Design / Tools & Machinery / Food & Food Processing

Morten Koch


Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new suppliers, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”


Hosta Industries A/S

Vi arbejder aktivt med begrebet ”Partnership Manufacturing”, så vi vedvarende kan være en attraktiv partner for vores kunder, medarbejdere og leverandører. Det betyder, at vi har fokus på at være sparringspartner omkring ...

Website: Industry: Manufacturing & Design

Christian Mosevang

CEO & Ejer - Hosta Industries A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”

Easy access to B2B opportunities. Distance is no hindrance for developing businesses across borders. Take part in a multicultural community of active companies searching for business partners and market networking between Denmark and emerging markets. Reach out and develop your business online, identify business partners, engage in business networking, expand your existing market or get to know how a new market works. Take off from your desk.


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